SBI’s Synergy with XRP and XDC: Unleashing the Potential of Both Networks

2 min readJun 3, 2023

In the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, financial institutions are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance their operations. The SBI, recently made headlines by expressing its belief in the potential of XDC Network (XDC) after a successful partnership with Ripple’s XRP.

Partnership with Ripple’s XRP:

SBI has had a long-standing partnership with Ripple and has actively utilized the XRP token for cross-border transactions. Ripple’s technology has undoubtedly brought significant advantages to SBI, allowing for faster and more cost-effective international transfers. The partnership with Ripple has been fruitful, and SBI continues to appreciate the benefits of working with XRP.

XDC Network’s Potential:

Despite the successful partnership with XRP, SBI has recognized the potential of XDC Network and its advantages over XRP. The XDC Network is built on the XinFin Hybrid Blockchain, which combines the best features of public and private blockchains. This unique architecture allows for greater scalability, interoperability, and security, making it an attractive option for SBI’s VC Trade platform.

Read News about, XDC Network Partners with SBI Group’s SBI VC Trade Co. Ltd

Efficiency and Advantages of XDC Network:

SBI’s decision to explore XDC Network as a more suitable option for its VC Trade platform is rooted in the network’s efficiency. XDC Network offers faster transaction speeds and lower fees compared to many other blockchain networks. The scalability of XDC allows SBI to handle a larger volume of transactions without compromising performance, ensuring smooth and reliable operations for their users.

The Potential of XDC Network for SBI VC Trade:

SBI’s VC Trade platform is a digital asset exchange that facilitates trading and investment in various cryptocurrencies. With the growing demand for digital assets, SBI recognizes the need for a blockchain network that can support its expanding user base. XDC Network’s advanced features, combined with its focus on enterprise use cases, position it as an ideal choice for SBI VC Trade’s future growth.

Start trading:


While SBI acknowledges the benefits of its partnership with Ripple’s XRP, the financial institution sees great potential in XDC Network for its VC Trade platform. The efficiency, scalability, and security of XDC Network make it an attractive option for SBI to provide seamless and reliable services to its users. As the cryptocurrency landscape evolves, SBI’s decision to explore XDC Network showcases the institution’s commitment to staying at the forefront of blockchain technology.

